Farang kêe nóg ฝรั่งขี้นก

What does ฝรั่งขี้นก fà-ràng kêe nóg means?

What does the word “fà-ràng ฝรั่ง” come from? Is the word farang racist? Here you will find the answer Also some of my student come up with the question ขี้เหนียว [kêe niǎw ] and ขี้นก [kêe nóg] . Here is the answer. There are other Thai words with kêe ขี้. For exmample: – ขี้เกียจ kêe […]

What is The religion is in Thailand?

 How much do you know about the Buddhist faith ? I am a Buddhist , part of the core beliefs of this faith is inner peace , happiness , karmaBuddhism is the primary religion of Thailand . Most Thai are practicing Buddhists and learn the religion from a very young age .The Basic beliefs of […]

3 years anniversary of my grandmother pass away

  This year is my 3 years anniversary of my grand mother pass away. (18 March 2017) ปีนี้เป็นปีครบรอบการจากไปของคุณย่า 3   ปี  (  18  มีนาคม 2560) I had one VDO I record with her 3 years ago and when I miss her I just look at it . ครูนุ่นมีวีดีโอที่ได้อัดไว้เมื่อ  3 ปีที่แล้ว เวลาที่นุ่นคิดถึงย่าก็จะดูวีดีโอนี้ And this year I […]